Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Part II: Seal Of Approval.

Actually to say nothing of note happened in London isn't strictly true. I was going to leave this last bit it out actually, as I consider it a bit of a pointless detail – but then I remembered that in fact everything I've ever written in this blog up to and including now has really just been one big collection of pointless details, so it'd be silly to start messing around with the formula at this late stage. Besides, I kinda need to see this written down, simply for myself, if only to try and help make sense of what I read back. You'll understand when you hear it. Right so, to save money on a hotel the in the centre of the city, we decided to bunk down at a little guest house on the outskirts of town. I'm not kidding, this was quite possibly the weirdest place I've ever spent the night and (thanks largely to my drinking habits) that's a pretty competitive list. For a start from the outside the place was like this quaint little cottage – similar to the ginger bread house in Hansel & Gretel I thought – but somehow it had ended up sandwiched between two really tall blocks of ultra-modern looking flats. It seemed properly bizarre, but I didn't really pay that much attention at the time, as I was still sore from the service station and just wanted to lie down. Anyway, turns out that was nothing because when we got to the little room, the whole thing, walls, ceiling and all, were painted the exact same shade of bright primary blue. The place felt a little like the Red Room from Twin Peaks…except blue. I half expected a smurf to appear during the night and start talking backwards. No, but wait, here's the strangest thing; while I was unpacking I happened to look up and see a professionally taken photo of a white baby seal cub hanging on the left hand wall, I turned round and saw another comparable one situated opposite on the right hand wall. You know the type, something like this…

Fair enough I thought, I suppose some people might find that quite soothing. Then as I was turning back round to continue unloading my suitcase, I caught sight of – on the adjoining wall, in between the two pictures of seal cubs – a massive photo of Seal...you know, the nineties soul singer guy...

What's that about?

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